Recipes developed by our immediate family (e.g. my wife and I) will go here. They will be separate from recipes received from family beyond the nuclear unit.
Family RecipesThis will be for recipes we have gotten from family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.) and will serve as an excellent way to preserve them. If those family members got the website from another source (e.g. a cookbook or website) then that recipe will not be in this section, it will be in the appropriate section below.
From Our CookbooksThis will be dedicated to digitizing recipes we like from physical cookbooks we own. Proper credit shall be given.
From Other SitesOther websites are bloated (too many ads and other unrelated content) so recipes we like will be transcribed here for ease of access. Proper credit shall be given.
Other Notes
It would be nice to be able to search, sort, filter, and tag recipes here...that will be a todo in the future.